Monday, December 04, 2006

Go Ahead, Just Ask Me About the Norovirus...

Also known as viral gastroenteritis, or Norwalk virus, or the stomach flu (although there's nothing flu-like about it)...

Julie got it either on the ship or in Mexico on Thursday, and by the airflight home on Friday afternoon she was tripping over the flight attendents every twenty minutes to get to the head. She looked bad and felt like death, but we made it all the way home. I took care of her as she continued a slow death by the "Big D" on Saturday, trying to keep her clean and hydrated. Me, I felt great. I went out, shovelled snow, went to Costco and Freddies for food, even exercised.

Yeah, until about 4 in the am on Sunday, when I started both the "Big D" and it's sibling, Ralph (see earlier references to seasickness). We though Julie had it bad... but at least she wasn't losing large amounts of fluids from both ends simultaneously. Sunday really sucked.

The internet says that these common norovius infections typically only last 24 to 72 hours, are very uncomfortable, but rarely fatal. So, we should be feeling better very soon, but it also seems we are still contagious for about three days after symptoms are relieved. I guess the boss will have to make the call as to whether or not, and when, I go back to the federal building for work. I don't really want to pass this one around any further...

'Til later,


Saturday, December 02, 2006

We Are Home in Juneau, and We Are Married!!

We back from FishExpo, wedding festivities, and honeymoon... And where the hell did all that snow come from?!!

I tired, so going to bed. Story and pictures to follow soon...