Monday, March 08, 2010

Winter Not Quite Done, Yet

Snow, ice, coughs and colds.

When I lived in New Orleans, the general rule was that if you forgot your umbrella, then you were gauranteed to get caught out in a torrent. Well, it seems the universe laughs again... after a remarkably mild and minimally snowy winter, I decided a weekend ago that it was time to take the studded tires off the Honda so that we could keep the wear down. Of course, the following weekend we get near blizard conditions. The roads are icy and as slick as I have seen them here in Juneau, and it took nearly an hour this morning to get Julie to her work and then me to the Fed Bldg...

Add the hacking cold / crud that has been going around town this winter, that I (again, foolishly) thought I had dodged this season, but have now had for almost a week... Winter is not going down without a struggle.

Forecast says 1 to 3 more inches today... and I feel like crap, but not so bad that I need to stay home. Oh, happy day!!



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