Thursday, November 16, 2006

Snow, Snow, Snow

Damn we got some snow here in Juneau, there's about 3 feet at the house. With snow drifts of about 6 feet.

We have a icicle going from the roof to the back porch and its about a foot wide, 8 feet long. We've had snow on the valley floor for the past two weeks now.

We had a big storm come in on Monday, dumping about a foot of snow. Each day this week we have had 4-6 inches dump during the day/night. This is the kind of snow I seen in Minnesota growing up.

Of course we've seen a ton more snow up in the mountains when we are snow- shoeing but it is so much different when you have to shovel it and drive in it everyday.

They have delayed flights because of the weather. Thank god Ken was able to get out on Tuesday. And lets hope to god that I can get out on Saturday morning. I have a big bachelorette party planned at 7pm, it would kind of suck if we had to have a party on tele-conference.
If we weren't leaving to get married, we would be snow-shoeing all over town. How cool would of that been? But no, lets get married instead.

We are hoping that the snow stays around for along time so we can enjoy it when we get back in two weeks. We still haven't been able to go ice skating or sledding cause we have been so busy getting things done for the wedding.
We are both very excited though, its all coming together so nicely and it will be so beautiful.

See you all in Portland tomorrow. I heard I had to bring my rain jacket, no Parka needed.
